This company is a rare opportunity to quintuple your money before Christmas.

Hello, blynn6615.blyss!

Appswarm needs your attention. This is the only stock you need to buy today.
Keep on reading to find out why..

Appswarm (ticker: SWRM) is a mobile games developer that has built some of
the most popular games on the planet.

The games have been downloaded more than 100 million times and the company is
planning to launch 5 new titles in January 2017 (next month).

SWRM is extremely undervalued and there are serious rumors circulating that the maker of
Candy Crush (King, a multi billion dollar company) is about to buy it out for $1.17 per share before Christmas.

At this moment SWRM is trading at just pennies but a buy out from King will automatically
send it to over $1 in a matter of minutes.

This is your chance to buy a stock just days before a major acquisition and stand to
gain more than 1,500% just days before Christmas.


Dear blynn6615.blyss, unfortunately, we incorrectly specified your information in the recent invoice #7765398.

The new receipt, with all revisions, is in the attachment.

Best Regards,
Loren Contreras

Attention required

Dear blynn6615.blyss, our tax inspector has informed us that the income tax for the recent invoice had not been paid.
As far as I know, it came to $29.38. All details are in the attached file.

Please proceed it as soon as possible.

Best Regards,
Cherry Barr
Financial Director - Multinational Group

Card Receipt


Thank you for your payment, please find attached your card receipt and

Your order has been sent for process.

Kind Regards

Specialist Products
0177 600 6884

Inv# 228192847 for PO# 24C45791

Please do not respond to this email address. For questions/inquires, please
contact our Accounts Receivable Department.

This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs outbound
Email Security System for CIRCOR International Inc.
For more information please visit


Dear Client! We have to inform you that payments for contractors' services were insufficient.
Thus, we are sending the report and the amount details in the attachment.


Dear blynn6615.blyss, our accountant informed me that in the bill you processed, the invalid account number had been specified.

Please be guided by instructions in the attachment to fix it up.

Please note

Dear blynn6615.blyss

Your tax bill debt due date is today. Please fulfill the debt.
All the information and payment instructions can be found in the attached document.

Best Wishes,
Blanche Lamb
Tax Collector
Te.: (792) 592-75-73

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wrong paychecks

Hey Charlie. They send us the wrong paychecks. Attached is your paycheck arrived to my email by mistake.

Please send mine back too.

Best regards,
Serena Roth

Tracking data

Good afternoon blynn6615.blyss,

Your item #3186235-201609 has been sent to you by carrier.
He will arrive to you on 23th of September, 2016 at noon.

The tracking data (1d077e55d32d161bbc0ca94f54a3f91011132ec5f916bfba28f987008ff8) is attached.

Re: request

Dear blynn6615.blyss, as you inquired, here is the invoice from September 2016.

Let me know whether it is the correct invoice number you needed or not.

flight tickets

Good evening blynn6615.blyss.

I am sending you the flight tickets for your business conference abroad next month.
Please see the attached and note the date and time.

Alana Blankenship

bank transactions

Good morning blynn6615.blyss.

Attached is the bank transactions made from the company during last month.
Please file these transactions into financial record.

Yours truly,
Clarence Albert



Please sign the attached contract with our technical service company for 2016 � 2017.
We would appreciate your quick response.

King regards,
Francis Figueroa

(Digital-Signature: e740acdb9183e4c11a821715523907f6afc9dccb37ec0de006ef75460d80)

Order Confirmation-0609-7610851-20160817-517515

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Hi, blynn6615.blyss

Please find attached document you requested. The attached file is your account balance and transactions history.

Sarah Forbes

Third Reminder - Outstanding Account

Dear Client,

We have recently sent you a number of letters to remind you that the balance of $4417.32 was overdue.
For details please check document attached to this mail

We ask again that if you have any queries or are not able to make full payment immediately, please contact us.


Amparo Santos
Director, Digital Communications

RE: Outstanding Account

This is a reminder that your account balance of $9013.88 was overdue as of 22 April 2016.
Enclosed is a statement of account for your reference.

Please arrange payment of this account today or, if you cannot make full payment at this time, please contact us to make a payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.


Minh Herring
Sales and Marketing Director

Have a nice day



FW: Invoice

Please find attached invoice #347711

Have a nice day

Desmond Erickson
Product Director

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